Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Be Thankful To God...

Every time I feel so stress of my family’s situation because of financial problems, I take a look back on Kevin Carter’s Photography that was send to me through email months ago.

One of the pictures that touched my heart is the child who was crawling to the camp for food while the vulture is waiting for him to die so that it can eat him.

I feel guilt whenever I see leftover foods inside our fridge. My family, although we don’t have a lot money, manages to eat at least three times a day, but those poor children had nothing to eat or drink…Just take a look at the picture……..

I hate to see them like that. It breaks my heart into pieces…. I spill water all the time, thinking that there would always be reserved water in our bucket, but those children had to wait for the cow to pee for them to drink water….

I hope and pray that we would all realize how lucky we are and be contented and thankful to God for what we have and what we are facing now… for there are people who are in worst situation….

Life is so short so don’t waste your time, help those who are in need, give LOVE to each other…share your blessings…do what you can do…and be THANKFUL to GOD for all the food that you eat…..

-image source from Kevin Carter photography who committed suicide due to depression-

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